

17 Baseball Secrets and Life Lessons Every Young Player Should Know!

“If I could go back in time and give advice to my younger self, this is exactly what I’d say…” 

If you’re ready to reach your full potential in no time, both on and off the field…


Then I can’t wait to share these 17 baseball secrets and life lessons with you!


Armed with these secrets, you’ll be on the fast track to finally becoming the player you’re meant to be.


You’ll be ready to hit the ground running in the new year and smash your goals…


Not only on the baseball field but in the “game of life,” too!


So let me ask you a question…

If you were to have your “best season ever” in 2024, what would it look like?

As a position player…

You would probably hit for a higher batting average…


You would hit more hard line drives and home runs than ever before…


You would rack up more RBI’s and get more clutch base hits…


You would increase your fielding percentage and play “lights out” defense all season long…

As a pitcher…

You would probably punch out more hitters than ever before…


You would be able to locate each one of your pitches for strikes, regardless of the count, situation, or who is at the plate…


You would see a dramatic decrease in your ERA as you pound the zone and keep hitters guessing…


You would see an uptick in your fastball velocity and your arm would feel healthier than ever before…

And no matter what position you play…

You would probably have more confidence than ever when you step on the field each day…


You would be the clutch player who performs when it counts and you’d be the hero your team desperately needs…


You would be proud of yourself and the person you see staring back at you in the mirror…


You would turn the heads of your teammates and coaches – from tryouts all the way to the last inning of the season…


And you would have more fun than ever before playing “America’s Pastime” with your teammates…

But most of all…


Having your best season ever would mean reaching your full potential in every aspect — both ON and OFF the field.


I’m talking about finally becoming the player and person you’re meant to be.


And that’s exactly what these 17 baseball secrets and life lessons will help you achieve in 2024!


I think we can both agree…

It’s Time For You To Reach Your Full Potential and “Max Out” Your Abilities!

And that’s why today is such a special day for you and why I’m so excited for what you’re about to experience!


Let me explain…


I’m not exactly sure how you started your journey with us.


Maybe you stumbled upon one of our YouTube videos, which have now been viewed over 25 million times.


Maybe you’re one of the 105 million people who have seen our instructional videos pop up in your Facebook news feed this year.


Or maybe you’re one of the hundreds of thousands of players who receive our tips delivered to your inbox each day.


Like I said, I’m not sure how you got started with Ultimate Baseball Training…


But what I do know is that we’ve been helping players of all ages improve their skills, gain confidence, have more fun, and reach their full potential – both on and off the field – for years now.


And what started out as a small community of baseball players has quickly exploded to a worldwide movement!


It blows me away to think about the number of people we’ve reached…


And the feedback has been incredible to say the least.


In fact…


An SEC coach recently said…

Many parents from our Ultimate Baseball Training community would agree:

And then there’s players who make comments like…

Now I’m not telling you any of this to brag…


I’m telling you this so you’ll understand exactly why I’m so excited for you today.


You see, hearing about the success of the players, parents, and coaches in our community puts a big smile on my face…


But you know what makes me grin even more?

The 17 baseball secrets and life lessons I’m about to reveal to you have never been shared publicly before!

Not in any of our YouTube videos. 

Not in any of our social media posts.

Not in any of our emails.

Not in any of our training programs.


And that means the players, parents, and coaches you just heard from (who have all left us raving reviews) don’t even have access to the new information you’re about to uncover.


That’s good news for you…


Because equipped with what I’m about to share with you, you’ll truly have an unfair advantage when you walk into tryouts this year!


It’ll be like having an “ace in the hole” when you lace up your cleats on Opening Day.


I’m telling you, these secrets and life lessons are going to have such a positive impact on your career.


I certainly wish I knew all 17 of ‘em sooner!


And the reality is…

Most Players Never Get Access To The Insider Secrets You’re About To Discover!

That’s mainly due to 4 reasons:


1. Most coaches won’t teach you this. And it’s not their fault! Coaches have a lot on their plate these days. 


With a limited number of practice hours, coaches are more worried about getting all of their players through BP, making sure there’s enough time for bunt coverages, and making sure pitchers have a chance to throw their bullpens.


There’s just not enough hours in the day to spend much time on the finer details of the game.

2. Most players won’t listen to their parents. Shocker, right? 🤪 Many parents have lots of great information and experience to share from their playing days…


But the problem isn’t the information, it’s who the information is coming from. 


And it’s nothing personal. We’ve all been there before! Sometimes it’s just tough “listening to Dad.” (even though Dad is usually right!)


But sometimes all it takes is a different coach to get the message across in a slightly different way for them to have that “ah-ha” breakthrough moment where everything finally clicks.

3. Most instruction is physical, not mental. In fact, very little time is spent on the mental side of baseball… even though it’s the biggest key to unlocking a players’ full potential.


Why is such little time spent on it? Well think about it… hitting and pitching instructors need to do something to justify their fee, right? So they typically focus most of their time on drills.


Right or wrong, many parents confuse “being busy” with being productive.


If their kid and his instructor sat on the bench talking for an hour about the “mental game” and classified it as a lesson, most parents wouldn’t be too pleased — so instructors just stick with the physical aspect of the game.

4. Most players learn from their own mistakes. Sounds great on the surface, right? Learning from your mistakes is better than NOT learning from them.


In fact, I always talk about the importance of learning from your mistakes and “failing forward.”


But a wise man once said, “Smart people learn from their mistakes. Wise people learn from the mistakes of others.”


Why not learn from the mistakes of others to accelerate your learning curve and reach your full potential faster?


That’s one of the biggest reasons I’m so excited to share these secrets with you today…


So you can learn from my failures, my successes, and my experiences to finally become the player you’re meant to be — faster than you ever thought possible!


But I should warn you…

There’s No Time To Waste!

The New Year is upon us. 


Tryouts are right around the corner and Opening Day will be here before you know it.


Will you be ready to have your best season ever?


Or will you just be the same player you were last year?


REMEMBER: Nothing changes if nothing changes.


If you want to avoid leaving potential on the table this upcoming season, then you can’t afford to put this off.


Plus, let’s get real for a minute…


Your career is very short and it’ll be over in the blink of an eye!


Don’t you want to give yourself every advantage possible and leave no room for regrets?


I’m not sure what age you started playing baseball at, but imagine this…


If you started playing baseball at 7 years old and you play until you’re 22, that’s a 15-year career.


That means ⅓ of your career is over every 5 years! 


It goes by in a flicker… faster than you can ever imagine.


That’s why you don’t have time to wait until next season… next month… or even next week to learn these secrets.


You need every advantage you can get right now… that way you can make the most of your career.


And the truth is…

If you learn these 17 secrets, you’ll be playing with a huge advantage this season.


But unfortunately, without them you’ll be playing with a huge handicap.

The choice is yours… but I certainly know which road I would take.


So here’s the deal…


There are millions of bite-sized lessons I’ve learned over the course of my 17+ year baseball career and from working with thousands of players (from Little Leaguers to Major League All-Stars).


There’s SO MUCH I could share with you that would have a tremendous impact on your game and your life off the field…


But what I’ve done is hand-selected the most powerful pieces of advice that will have the biggest and most immediate impact on you.


I’ve packaged all 17 baseball secrets and life lessons in a brand new training I’d like to give you complete access to:

Baseball Wisdom

17 Baseball Secrets and Life Lessons Every Young Player Should Know!

My favorite part about Baseball Wisdom is the simplicity of it.


It’s only 1 hour and 13 minutes long… and there’s nothing “fancy” about this training.


Heck, I’m not even at my usual location out on the field.


It’s just me at home having a real, raw, and authentic conversation with you about the 17 things I wish I knew sooner.


You can watch the entire training in one sitting…


Which means you can start applying these principles today to start living out your dreams and become the ballplayer you’re capable of being.


You’ll be able to make the most of the time before tryouts and get yourself fully prepared to have your best season ever.


Now, during a “normal year” we’d typically sell this for $99+…


And it would still be well worth that price… but you won’t pay anywhere near that today.


As part of our 2024 Kickoff Event, I’ve got a special deal for you that I’ll tell you about in just a second.


But before I reveal the final price…


I want to be sure to tell you about three special bonuses I’m tossing in for you today to complete your package.

Special Bonus #1:

Hitting Secrets I Wish I Knew Sooner

$49 Value, Yours FREE

(38:33 Minutes In Length)

Inside this special bonus training, you’ll learn 8 hitting secrets I wish I knew at a younger age.


Whether you’re a youth, high school, or college hitter… you’ll be able to use these tips and advanced strategies to become a force to be reckoned with at the plate.

Special Bonus #2:

Biggest Tryout Turn-Offs To Avoid

$49 Value, Yours FREE

(37:35 Minutes In Length)

I’m also giving you instant access to another new training which will reveal the biggest tryout turn-offs to avoid.


Avoiding these pitfalls will give you a big leg up on your competition and will help you stand out in a positive way once tryouts roll around…


That way you can give yourself the best possible chance at making the team and having your best season ever.

Special Bonus #3:

Hitting 101 - A Step-By-Step Guide To Developing An Elite Swing

$99 Value, Yours FREE

(28:54 Minutes In Length)

Last but certainly not least… you’ll get instant access to Hitting 101, a step-by-step guide to developing an elite swing.


I walk you through the entire hitting process from A to Z leaving no stone unturned. 


This is the perfect bonus training to help you “tune up” your swing before tryouts and Opening Day.

So as you can see…


You’re not only getting the complete Baseball Wisdom training…


But you’re also getting the 3 bonuses shown here, all FREE.


Altogether, that’s almost 3 hours of game-changing training!


I could easily charge hundreds of dollars for this package, but to help you get 2024 started on the right foot, we’re offering it for just $19 as part of our 2024 Kickoff Event.


That’s less than the price of a pair of batting gloves!

2024 Kickoff Event Pricing

Just $19 Today!

And to put all the risk on my shoulders and prove that I’ve got your back from start to finish on this…


Here’s My Ridiculous No-Brainer Guarantee...

Get the training and watch it. If you find that it isn’t everything I’ve said and more (and worth every penny), just shoot us a quick email and we’ll give you a full refund. Every cent right back to you, no questions asked.


And the training is digital, so we won’t revoke your access or anything like that. You’ll get your money back and still be able to keep the training. (Please don’t take advantage of this).


As you can see, I completely stand behind this training. I’m confident that if you apply it into your game you’ll have your best season ever.

So if you’re ready to reach your full potential in no time, both on and off the field…


Then I can’t wait to share these 17 baseball secrets and life lessons with you!


This training is like nothing else you’ve ever seen before, but it’s bound to help you achieve your goals in record time and play better than ever before.


So the way I see it, there are only two paths you can take moving forward.


1. Get inside this training today. And when tryouts and Opening Day arrive, you can smile, knowing you’ve got an advantage over every other player on the field.


2. Ignore this opportunity. And you can live with the regret of always wondering if there was “more in the tank” and potential that you left on the table during your career. 


Lots of players have found themselves face to face with opportunities like this.


The choice is yours.


Unfortunately, the sad reality is that most players won’t take me up on this.


Most players will remain the exact same same player in 2024 as they’ve always been.


Because as one of my favorite sayings goes…


“If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always gotten.”


But for those players who are ready to make a change and are willing to invest a little over an hour of their time…


Their baseball career and life might not ever be the same.


I sincerely hope you take advantage of this opportunity now… today.


We’ve introduced crazy low pricing that’s cheaper than a pair of batting gloves… followed by an absolutely ridiculous, “no-brainer” guarantee as part of our 2024 Kickoff Event.


I have to say, I can’t imagine how I could make this offer any better.


These 17 baseball secrets and life lessons without a doubt will shortcut your learning curve and help you reach your goals faster than you ever thought possible.


I look forward to helping you achieve all of your goals, both on and off the field.


Just click the button below now to get started.


I look forward to you joining our team and I can’t wait to share my Baseball Wisdom with you.




— Coach Justin

Disclaimer: Consult a physician and follow all safety instructions. Every effort has been made to accurately represent the potential of this training. Results are not typical, and only represent players who worked very hard. Of course, no guarantee can be made for every single player.