Welcome To LEHS Deluxe!

(Access your training below)

Step 1: Watch the introduction video below. Step 2: Access your training modules in the following tabs and your workout calendar/workout guide below. Step 3: Begin training!

Moonshot Mobility

Core Crusher

9 Point Hotspot

 Stay Connected

 Stay Through It

 Stop At Contact

Two Hand Frisbee Drill

 Stay Tall and Fall

  Two Tee Drill

  Square Ups


 Fence Drill

Overload/Underload Swings

 Ballistic Backside

 Launch Position Walks

  Pizza Palm Progressions

 Med Ball Slams

Med Ball Rotational Throws

Med Ball Throws Over Head

Contact Drill

 Walk Through Drill

 Stride To Balance

 Dynamite Drill

 Middle Drill

 Wall Drill

 Square Ups

Slugger Bodyweight Workout

 30 seconds on each exercise, 2 rounds = 7 mins

Long Jump to Skaters

Dead Stop Push-Ups

Air Squats


Split Squat Jumps

Russian Twists

Glute Bridges

Advanced Hitting Secrets

Whether you have a question or need assistance, you may contact us anytime…

Customer Support Email: support@ultimatebaseballtraining.com